Online contests: a competitive advantage for your brand

The reality is that people love free stuff. If you make it easy for them and you make it fun, they’ll engage with your brand in ways that traditional media just can’t deliver. The right online contest can be powerful enough to transform a new follower into a brand advocate in an instant. Plus they give you something to talk about, which helps to bring in new followers.

But while online contests are an easy and effective way to drive affinity for your brand, executing contests requires a depth of expertise in order to be successful.

We’ve learned from 30 years of experience how to push the scale and complexity of digital contesting to deliver maximum impact and ROI.

Let the games begin!

Everything starts with the right strategy

What works for other brands in the market may not work for you. And building a communication strategy is not the same as building a contesting strategy. Online contests should be driving business goals, and we can help you develop a concept that helps you meet your objectives.

This is not our first contesting rodeo. Our team has executed contests for many of the largest brands in the world, and often in multi-stakeholder partnerships that include some of the most recognizable sporting associations in the world. While others are doing “test & learns”, we can make sound recommendations to shape successful contests right out of the gate.

The end goal?

Not a Fortune 500 company? That’s okay! We run all kinds of contests for all kinds of clients. But if we can earn the big guys’ trust, we believe we can earn your trust too. We have an impeccable track record of delivering results on-time, every time.


Execution: we got this

Understanding what you’d like to accomplish and crafting the roadmap to get there is just the beginning.

A mismanaged contest can be a nightmare. Our years of experience managing rules & regulations, legalities, methods of entry, data privacy, winner selection, prizing & fulfillment, and customer support, helps to ensure all bases are covered. And we do it all in-house, so you get a smooth, flexible contest experience without any unhappy surprises.

Whew. That was a lot. But rest easy. We’ve got you covered.

Behind the curtain…

Operating a smooth contest doesn’t mean that nothing is happening. In fact, it’s our busiest time. Behind the scenes, we’re managing contest mechanics, tracking opt-ins, verifying winners, and supporting a flawless consumer experience.

And the best part? We’re capturing all kinds of consumer data (with the appropriate permission) from people who want to continue to engage with you in the future. That allows us to start personalizing marketing programs based on their preferences, turning what started as just a contest into an increasingly effective CRM marketing program.

Get your
contest on.

While a lot of brands shy away from executing contests, it’s often because they don’t have the right partner. Well, shy away no more.

Let us show you how you can reap the ROI benefit and brand affinity that comes with getting the right kind of contest in place for your brand.